I, Nichole, painted a painting to go along with the poem A Father’s Love Letter. We displayed it in the house and sent photocopies home with all of our Saturday night guests.
I was really touched when Moh shared that he had been praying Saturday afternoon asking God if he were really there to show him a sign, then he read the first line of this poem, “You may not know me, but I know everything about you. – Psalms 139:1” Moh knew immediately he needed a copy to take home with him because it is just so heart-warming. May it whisper truth to him and to the others who were thrilled to take home a piece of my art.
If you aren’t familiar with the Father’s Love Letter – it is a series of Bible quotes that are spliced together to create a paragraph describing God’s love for you. (click here to read it)
first attempt at NoBake cookies in France
I made the little chocolate hearts myself