Day 1 of second confinement
Have you heard of Long COVID? Some people who contract COVID-19 do not fully recover.
When a case is is reported recovered that means that the individual is no longer contagious; it does not, however, indicate that they experience the same level of health as before their exposure.
- Pulmonary: Breathing is painful everyday, shortness of breath, some days are worse than others.
- Heart: Muscle tissues are damaged resulting in a constant dull heart pain.
- GI: Blood alterations cause Gastrointestinal disorders and hemorrhoids.
- General Strength: The whole body aches all the time and muscles fatigue quickly to the point of shaking.
- Neurological: Brain fog and incapacity to concentrate have been reported long-term.
- Lack of immunity: When tested many recovered patients do not posses anti-bodies to protect them against future infections.
Don’t take my word for it.
Here are the findings of the World Health Organization.
Long-Term Symptoms power point
And here is a first-hand account from inside an apartment in Paris.
110 days with COVID by Paul Prins
A study of the 2003 Coronavirus, revealed that 40% of people recovering from SARS still had chronic fatigue symptoms 3.5 years after being diagnosed. (source)
Imagine what it would do to a country if we allow half the population to contract a disease that we know over 50% of the cases will result in chronic fatigue. Imagine the toll it would take on society, on families if one-quarter of our workforce would be functioning at half capacity.
Photo credits:
*cover photo of heart snippets* When scientists mixed the new coronavirus with heart cells in a lab dish, the virus appeared to carve heart muscle fibers into small fragments. On the left, an image of healthy heart muscle cells, which have long fibers that allow them to contract. On the right, an image of heart muscle cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 in which the long fibers appeared to be diced into small pieces. (source) (Image: © Gladstone Institutes)
*graph of lingering symptoms* Data compiled by the World Health Organization. Long-Term Symptoms power point