Foods that boost our immune system

(photo: Alexandru Tudorache)

“A good IMMUNE SYSTEM and a good DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (80% of antibodies are made in the digestive tract) is the best defence against pathogens, viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeasts…
SUPERFOODS and micronutrients such as Spirulina, Phycocyanin, Curcumin, Omega 3, Vitamin C … and many other superfoods help to maintain a healthy body, and a healthy body is the best weapon against the early stages of any disease.”

— Dr. Nam, doctor in micro-nutrition


  • Antioxidant water (-200)
  • A good sleep
  • Yoghurt with active cultures
  • Phycocyanin
  • Water-soluble curcumin
  • Unpasteurized citrus. Squeezed oranges. Squeezed lemons. (see vitamin C)
  • Kefir and sauerkraut and other fermented probiotic foods
  • Sunbathing with uncovered skin. (see vitamin D 👇)
  • Garlic
  • Green tea
  • Legumes
  • Mushrooms
  • Oysters and seafood
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Dark chocolate

👉 Note: Certain foods weaken our immune system, as well as sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, and stress. The food to limit in priority is sugar. A good daily intake is 25 g. per day. Read carefully the back of the packages of sweets, cakes, and breakfast cereals. The elements to avoid completely are false sugars, colourings, and preservatives. We can replace drinks with water (attn. A hot chocolate may contain more sugar than a lollipop).

+ de l’eau

Les besoins hydriques chez l’adulte

Les apports recommandés en eau doivent permettre de compenser les pertes hydriques. Chez l’adulte, ces pertes sont estimées à 2,5 litres. Les recommandations européennes préconisent chez l’adulte un apport de 1 :

  • 0,75 L/jour d’eau provenant des aliments chez les hommes et 0,6 L/jour chez les femmes
  • 1,75 L/jour d’eau provenant des boissons pour les hommes et 1,4 L/jour pour les femmes

Ces apports hydriques doivent toutefois être augmentés dans certaines situations, comme la grossesse et l’allaitement ou lors de la pratique d’un sport.

Combien d’eau un enfant doit il boire chaque jour ? Les besoins en eau (besoins hydriques) d’un enfant dépendent de son âge :

  • Un enfant de 2 à 3 ans a besoin d’environ de 0,9 litre par jour au total.
  • Un enfant de 4 à 8 ans a besoin d’environ 1,1 litre.
  • Un enfant de 9 à 13 ans a besoin d’environ 1,5 litre.

+ du sommeil

Want to boost your immune system performance? Get plenty of sleep (12 hours a day for young children).

Newborns (0 to 3 mois) 2 to 5 hours
Infants (4 to 12 months) 12 to 15 hours
Baby (1 to 2 years) 11 to 2 hours
Young Children (3 à 5 ans) 10 to 1 hours
Child (6 to 13 years old) 9 to 11 hours
Teenager (14 to 17 years old) 8 to 10 hours
Young adult (18 to 25 years old) 7 to 9 hours
Adults (26 to 64 years old) 7 to 9 hours
Senior (over 64 years old) 7 to 8 hours


Vitamin A

Vitamin A stimulates the proliferation of white blood cells and the production of antibodies. Thus, a lack of vitamin A reduces the immune response to certain viruses, including measles, and to certain bacteria, including tetanus. In addition, it is essential for maintaining the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa.
Our needs: 600 micrograms (µg) per day for a woman, 800 for a man.
Where is it found?
in µg of vitamin A retinol / 100 g :

  • Cooked poultry liver: 14 500 ;
  • Cooked veal liver: 10 500 .
    In µg of beta-carotene provitamin A / 100 g :
  • Pure carrot juice: 8,710;
  • Raw carrot: 7,260;
  • Pumpkin: 6,940;
  • Vegetable Macedonia: 5,670;
  • Romaine lettuce: 5,230;
  • Raw spinach: 4,010

A good daily intake for a woman is 4 g of poultry liver, 6 g of veal liver, 50 g of raw carrots or 70 g of romaine lettuce.

Vitamin C

Among the anti-fatigue properties of dietary vitamin C is its ability to promote the absorption of iron from vegetables and pulses.
An antioxidant, it protects white blood cells from oxidation and increases their mobility. It also stimulates the production of interferon, a molecule produced by the cells of the immune system to destroy microbes.
Our needs: 110 mg per day.
Where is it found? (in mg / 100 g)

  • Cherry known as “L’Acérola” : 1644 (cherry from Brazil or the West Indies);
  • Rosehip: 426;
  • Guava: 228;
  • Fresh blackcurrant: 200;
  • Fresh parsley: 190;
  • Raw red/yellow pepper: 162;
  • Thyme: 160;
  • Mustard Leaves: 130;
  • Lemon, zest: 129;
  • Raw green pepper: 120;
  • Raw kale: 120;
  • Kiwifruit: 93;
  • Broccoli: 89;
  • Brussels sprouts: 85;
  • Cooked kale: 80;
  • Pressed lemon: 77;
  • Lychees: 72;
  • Fresh red fruits: 67.9;
  • Strawberries: 59;
  • Cauliflower, raw: 57.9;
  • Raw red cabbage: 55;
  • Pressed orange: 53.8.

A good daily intake is for a woman, 55 g of blackcurrant or 160 g of red fruits.

Vitamin D

In addition to promoting bone mineralization, vitamin D has multiple functions. Imagine, once attached to its receptor on the surface of our cells, it regulates the expression of more than 900 genes!
At the immune level, it plays an important role in the development of certain white blood cells, the T lymphocytes.
It can also regulate inflammatory and immune responses when they get out of control.
Our needs: 5 µg per day from food, as vitamin D is mainly produced by the skin under the action of UV rays.
Where is it found? (in µg / 100 g)

  • Cod liver oil: 250
  • Smoked herring : 22 ;
  • Raw plain bacon: 16.44;
  • Mackerel: 12.3;
  • Grilled sardine: 12.3;
  • Raw anchovies: 11;
  • Steamed salmon: 8.7;
  • Smoked salmon: 4;
  • Poached egg: 2;
  • Cod 1.2.

A good daily intake for a woman is 23 g of smoked herring or 60 g of salmon.


We use copper to fight germs.
This metal would be necessary for the “slime” cells of the immune system, the macrophages, to absorb and digest pathogenic microorganisms. In excess, it can become toxic.
Our needs: 1.5 mg per day for a woman, 2 mg for a man.
Where do we find it? (in mg / 100 g)

  • Pickled herring: 120 ;
  • Cooked veal liver: 20.1;
  • Edible yeast: 5.3;
  • Multigrain sandwich bread: 2.6;
  • Cooked periwinkle: 1,7 ;
  • Hazelnut: 1.57;
  • 70% dark chocolate: 1.4;
  • Cooked shrimp: 0.769.

A good daily intake for a woman is 60 g of multigrain sandwich bread or 200 g of shrimp.


Lack of iron leads to fatigue, severe pallor, headaches, shortness of breath, cramps and even nervousness.
A blood test for ferritin (a protein that stores iron) is usually prescribed to diagnose anemia. In this case, the immune system is less efficient.
Our needs: 16 mg per day for a woman (9 after the age of 65), 9 mg for a man.
Where is it found? (in mg / 100 g)

  • Cumin, seed: 66.4;
  • Curry: 29.7;
  • Pan-fried black pudding: 22.8;
  • Coriander seed: 16.3;
  • Cooked spinach: 15,7 ;
  • Sesame seed: 14.6;
  • Whole-wheat bread: 6.83;
  • Muesli: 6.26;
  • Beef, roast roast beef: 5.5.

A good daily intake for a woman is 70 g of black pudding with 100 g of cooked spinach.


Selenium is best known for its antioxidant properties. It also intervenes at the immune level by keeping a pool of white blood cells (T-lymphocytes) “awake”.
Linked to certain proteins, it plays a crucial role in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Our needs: 50 µg per day for a woman, 60 for a man.
Where is it found? (in µg / 100 g)

  • Cooked egg yolk: 764 ;
  • Baked tuna: 348;
  • Grated Emmental cheese: 164;
  • button mushroom: 144;
  • Cooked ham, smoked: 140;
  • Whole-wheat pasta: 131.

A good daily intake is for a woman, 1 egg, 15 g of tuna, 35 g of mushrooms.


Zinc is a trace element that helps us resist infections. It is essential for immune cells to produce anti-microbial molecules.
It also protects our cell membranes from free radicals.
Our needs: 10 mg per day for a woman, 12 for a man.
Where do we find it? (in mg / 100 g)

  • Raw hollow oyster: 21.3 ;
  • Cooked calf’s liver: 13,2 ;
  • Braised beef: 10.5;
  • Rye bread and wheat: 10;
  • Rusk without salt: 7;
  • Unsweetened cocoa: 6.87;
  • 5% burger: 6.43.

A good daily intake is for a woman, 75 g of veal liver, 75 g of minced steak with 70 g of wholegrain toast.


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