My bestie is a journalist who has a cheesecake blog. Every time she spots a new cheesecake in Paris, she’ll write a juicy review. This month REAL Philadelphia Cream Cheese has just been released for sale in France at all your favorite grocery stores – Read more on Céline’s blog! – oh yea, her blog is in French 😉
So, one fine day Céline gets a call from M6 asking if she would be willing to give them a tour of all the best places to find cheesecake in Paris, for one of their nationally syndicated television shows. Céline’s response? No problem. She’ll take them on a tour of all the best places to find cheesecake in Paris, but the BEST place to find cheesecake is at Nichole’s house. So the show ends with a cheesecake party in my living room.
If you would like to learn to make the cheesecake shown in this film, you’ll find the step by step guide here.
Know what? I got an email 2 weeks ago, from the same TV show (but not the same producers nor journalist) for the same subject! Told ’em we already did it!