I have just discovered the most amazing invention, and I’m totally addicted. You’re going to laugh … it’s Solid Shampoo! It’s actually not a new invention at all, it’s just that recently it’s become more fashionable and so we are seeing it more.
Not only is it practical, it’s also ecological – one bar of soap is equivalent to three bottles of shampoo!
So this new little fascination of mine has got me thinking… Somewhere in history we switched from solid shampoo, to liquid because it was more marketable. As a frequent traveler I have become aware of the hassles of traveling with liquids (carry-on restrictions, and spills within checked-in bags, not to mention the overall weight of liquid products). So, as you see, I’m sold on this product, at home and away. And, while the shampoo discovery is the purpose for this post, I thought it would be fun and useful to remind my readers of the wide variety of the other liquid free cosmetics that exist – just in case you’re thinking about starting a liquid-free fetish!
Solid Shampoo
Godiva Solid Shampoo $9.25
Solid Lipstick (no lip gloss please!)
Long Last Soft Shine Lipstick $14.oo
Cake Mascara
Paula Dorf’s Cake Mascara $20.00
Coconut Deodorant Powder $7.65
Cake Deodorant
T’EO Deodorant $8.15
Tooth Paste
Peppermint Tooth Powder $4.53