“Umbrellas put their lifes in danger when they move to Paris!”
Yes that’s right I said umbrellas. I’ve never used an umbrella so much in my life, before moving here. And I’ve never seen umbrellas live such short lives as I have experienced in this city. I killed an umbrella Sunday, and another commited suicide Tuesday. The one I carry today has one spoke broken, but other than that, it’s holding it’s own.
Praise the Lord for open doors to read the Bible with people. I give credit to the many prayer walks we have done and the participants who have been touched by God and prayed for Paris with all their hearts. Spring is a great season to prayer-walk, not to hot, not to cold. I even got a little sun one afternoon. But spring is still a season of rain, and RAIN it does! It doesn’t stop our prayers, humans are relatively water-proof, and so are prayers.