Normally our church’s chateau in Burgundy hosts church camps and conferences, but this time we booked the place for the weekend of Rob’s Birthday. And since their rates are so reasonable, it made the car-pool costs worth it! On the agenda … back-to-back movie extravaganza. Lots of thought-provoking conversation would be had.First things first. No sooner had the cars pulled into the chateau grounds, but Rostane and Amandine are already playing on the children’s swingset. The seesaw attempt was even funnier, but I wasn’t quick enough with my camera.
Here’s a view of the countryside from the top of the chateau tower.
Here is a photo of Erwan climbing up the chateau tower. (I have like a dozen of these photos, one of each of us as we peak through the door approaching the top. I’ll spare you the details.)
A few nice portraits of friends posing, still on the top of the tower. Cédric, Moh
Emilie, Amandine, Alexandre, Sabrina, Cédric, Moh
The newly renovated media room is the perfect place for young adults to hang out. If you had dropped in on us this weekend you would have most likely seen the following scene, perched in our armchairs, eyes fixed on the screen, ready for action!
But we did get up from time to time. We had coffee breaks.Amandine is organizing the flavored coffees.
Pam fixed us some of the most delicious Burgundy dishes I’ve ever eaten!!!
Then we would go have coffee again … and the sequence would start all over.Rob making his world-famous lattés with frothed milk and flavored sirop. Amandine is still playing with the coffee!
Gathering from the complements and conversations following the event, I don’t think this will be the last time this gang visits the chateau. (We visit the chateau about three times a year for training workshops or camps, but this was the first time ever for all of our guests.)