Dollars Have Been Doubled

God is answering our prayers in amazing ways!

An anonymous donor, with great enthusiasm for winning France for Christ, offered to match pledges in hopes of motivating others to give at this time! And God provided in abundance!
Ten new monthly pledges of $50 or pledge increases of $50 we receive were doubled. Thanks to God’s faithfulness and your quick responce. Lets get on our knees in prayer that even more individuals will see their gifts multiplied, and heaven will rejoice over generous giving and joyful hearts.

3 thoughts on “Dollars Have Been Doubled

  1. Praise the Lord! That’s great! I am praying for you both, i should be starting my new job pretty soon and will be able to start giving monthly as soon as i get my first paycheck. I can’t wait to start giving towards winning France for Christ! Oh and I had my first exchange student meeting this weekend and I got to meet three teens from France! It was great! I am getting more and more excited about going to France next year, but i am getting scared too, i am really not that good at speaking French, I;m much better at reading it,please pray I will improve my french over the year before i go! I am praying for you both, always!!

  2. Just stopped in to say, “Hi” and let you know I’ll be checking out Cafe Philo every now and then. We occasionally do some philosophical ramblings over at Rev Pharoah. Happy blogging!

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